Tuesday, July 14, 2009


We are trying Vol. 1 today. He is not responding well to this one either. They are singing head shoulders knees and toes so maybe I can get him through this! He seems to do better when he has something to eat while he is watching. We'll keep trying.

Oh snap ....I got Shelley's recipe page running!

That's right Shelley now can start sharing her recipes with every one and you can share yours with her. Just sign up to your right and add a way!!

Thursday, July 09, 2009


Okay, I haven't done a good job this week. We did do Baby can read this morning. I am going to move onto the next dvd either today or tomorrow. He is just not digging the starter dvd. Hopefully the next dvd will go over better!

Sunday, July 05, 2009


We just got back from Transformers again because Sam is such a huge fan! Well since it is 100 degrees out I crack the windows. It hurts getting into that hot of a car. Well what do you know it is raining when we get out. We need rain so bad. It's been a long time and we are under a burn ban, so I don't mind the wet seats all that much. We all kind of laugh at it. As we get home and I run to the bedroom to change out of my wet clothes, I check my phone to make sure I didn't miss any calls. Well it turned out I did. Upon checking my voice mail it was the meteorologist calling to say that there was a th.understorm warning in effect. I don't care who you are that there is funny

Friday, July 03, 2009

potty training summer

Potty training is going much better! When he has underwear on, he usually makes it to the potty. He is even going without prompting. The poop thing is another story. He will go in his underwear and just stew all day if we let him! If only he would say "Mommy I have to poo can I have a diaper?" That would alleviate the swishing in the toilet all moms hate.

Day 1

We have been intermittently doing Your Baby Can Read" for almost a month now. I am determined to get better at this, so I decided that I would do a daily blog on it. Maybe that will keep me straight. i do have to admit this is the first time this week that we have worked on it. He just doesn't seem to like it. This surprises me because he just absolutely loved his little leaps educational videos. Hopefully the next dvds he will like better!

As a side note though, he could pick out the word elephant from his word cards and read it as a held it up with no assistance.