Thursday, November 29, 2007

Operator 11

Well the end has come no more I was hoping tha maybe it was some last minute upgrades to save them. I guess now my Show "Oh Snap" moves to a different format. More news on that in a few days.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Christmas is on the Way

Well As soon as Shelley makes me put up the tree the pictures will be up. I just hope I don't lose computer space...again!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving (Shelley)

As I was in the kitchen cooking my first Thanksgiving meal, I couldn't help but be reminded of the first time that I cooked a turkey. My lovely husband edited my home movie of the occasion a couple of years ago and I am having him put it back on the site.

I am so thankful for my family. I hope everyone has a great day.

Happy Thanksgiving...

I'm thankful that my family is together and healthy this season. That my Dad is Better and more himself. That My wife can live with my little weirdness...I try to be funny all the time. That my son has a sense of humor and that This year it's just now getting cold in Texas!!
Happy Thanksgiving ALL!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

What is going On!!???

I've been looking for work and Shelley has been Teaching. My Dad is in town this week and we've had some fun. ( shooting BB's in my backyard, Does that make me country???)
Anywho I'm looking into finding a open mic or a place to MC any type of show so I can get some Stand up practice in and work some new material. I hope to have some thanksgiving and Christmas Pics up soon as they come. Please leave comments and emails. Love to all,


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Halloween Pics

Sorry so long the website has been acting up.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

1st trick or treating experience

We have been talking about halloween costumes for Sam practically since he was born. Last year he was going to be yoda, but it just didn't happen. Well this year, it was decided for us by the fates. Walking through Toys R Us (1st mistake) with Sam, we notice they have the Halloween pails 50% off already. Upon closer evaluation, we find a Darth Vador head. Perfect so we grab it. later on through the store, shopping for a certain little ones birthday, we see a plastic light saber and give it to Sam (second mistake) to see if he'll like it. Well of course he does, look who his father is. I can't pry that thing from his little fingers for the life of me. Therefore, we can't leave the store without it. We can't even go into Chili's to eat lunch without him pitching a fit. Darth Vador it is. Side note, Alan told me at least 3 groups of people had the seater at Chili's seat them away from us when they were going to be seated next to us. What's the matter never seen a child in a restaurant with a saber before.
Love to all, Shelley (using Alan's computer)
pictures soon to come. Internet not cooperating with me this morning

Friday, November 02, 2007

Halloween Pics

Shelley took some pics this holloween I'll have them up shortly!