Sunday, April 09, 2006

Coming Home

Just to give everyone PLENTY of notice. We will be coming home the last weekend of June first weekend of July. I am giving everyone two and a half months to prepare to maybe be around at that time so I can introduce Sam to y'all.
Now I already know that Stacey will not be around at that time, but she is excused and I expect to see her on our second go around. lol. We will be coming back at the end of July to bring the kids back home to Illinois. That stay will more than likely be shorter than the first, but I don't know how long it will be. The kids are due back at their mother's on July 31st.

Things are really good here. Sam is growing so fast it is incredible. I can't even remember how little he was when he was only 5 lbs. He is probably reaching a hefty 17 lbs. Will have to have Alan jump on the scale with him to see.


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